Monday, November 1, 2010

Zoe Beloff - Questions/Response

Zoe Beloff's lecture was really interesting.   It’s not to often that you go to a lecture and are manipulated into believing that what is being presented is factual information.  Zoe Beloff’s work centers on the manifestation of the unconscious, storytelling and technology.   It was interesting to me how she spoke about her pieces with 3d projections.  The projections actually made the people take on an unusual scale, separating them from  the association with normal humans.  In response to my questions, I feel that Zoe Beloff's work definitely has a drive from technology; however, she uses technology is as a tool, not just because it is the latest or greatest technique.  She often seems to shoot using old formats such 16mm black and white, and stereoscopic imagery.   These elements instantly make me associate  the work with archival footage.   She did use archival footage mixed in with some of the work, but it all blended seamlessly.  I think that the idea that the stories that Zoe Beloff tells could be factual and are extremely loosely built off research is very important to her work.  The most interesting thing I learned about the artist was that she drew comic books for the Psychoanalysis society.  She said that most people didn’t know she could draw so no one recognized her style. My favorite series would have to be ‘Dreamland’  because it is artwork created by Zoe Beloff, but as if she were impersonating different members of the Coney Island Film Society.   The dream videos certainly did have a dreamlike quality and the use of archival footage really aided to the impression that they were works from another time period.  It was Zoe Beloff's ability to manipulate us into believing many different things that especially interested me.

1.  How important are nostalgic elements such as classic cinematography important to your works?

2.  When reading about your multimedia pieces I am a little confused is it archival footage or reenactments made to look old? or a mix of the two?

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