Sunday, November 28, 2010

Artist Blog XIII - Brain Matiash

In relation to my project I have chosen to highlight Brain Matiash, a high dynamic range artist. His work primarily focuses on architecture and urban exploration. I feel that my furniture images have similar qualities to many of his urban photographs. He is looking at urban decay and destruction in the eyes of making beautiful photographs and I think he is successful. High dynamic range is technical, because it requires using bracketing and post-production software to stitch the photographs. Brain said “in my experience, nine brackets gives me all of the tonal information that I need plus some insurance on the highlight and shadow ends of the range[1].” In my own personal experience I find that often times negative two stops, zero, and plus stops tend to work well for a bracket. However, there are times when a lot more stops are necessary. For the most part I feel 9 shots would definitely encapsulate the detail in even the most difficult scenes. I often debate whether or not to include people in my project; however I must agree with Brain when he says, “I wholeheartedly appreciate and admire photographers' abilities to capture those insanely fleeting moments of life that would altogether dissolve into the ether had it not been for that one timely shutter release. I just don't subscribe to the notion that only people can create these moments.[2]” I don’t believe people are necessary to have an emotional impact, but I do think including them makes it easier to get an impact. I enjoy the challenge of trying to do it without people.

[1] "The School of Bracketology with Brian Matiash - Blog - | LensProToGo Studios Blog." Blog - | LensProToGo Studios Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. .

[2]Matiash, Brian . "Urban Elements." Welcome to N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. .


A little bit of Brian
Thank you for visiting my Photo Blog. I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome your return.
I am a commercial architecture photographer, writer, and lover of all things social media. When I am not out photographing the ever-shifting trends of exterior and interior design
, I am roaming around and exploring the city to capture the forgotten corners and loose ends that so often get overlooked.

I have spent the past several years learning and mastering the use of High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging to provide my photos with a level of realism not normally captured with conventional photography. I am the author of monthly columns on ProPhotoResource and Lensflare35, where I shares tips, tricks, and techniques to gain the most out of HDR photography. I am also an editor at 'HDR Spotting', the leading gallery/resource dedicated to showcasing HDR images.
My images have been published in a variety of news and magazine publications, as well as displayed in various art galleries in Boston, MA and New York, NY. Some of my work has gained media recognition and has been published in the Boston Globe, the Improper Bostonian, and several online Photography and Travel Blogs. I was also the winner of the 2008 and 2009 Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk Contests for the cities of Boston, MA (2008) and Brooklyn, NY (2009), and was featured as the Boston Globe’s ‘Photographer of the Week’. I was most recently featured as the Lightroom Featured Photographer in the July/August issue of Photoshop User Magazine, put out by the National Association of Photoshop Professionals.
For a little bit of my biography – I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY but currently live in Framingham, MA with my wife, Lisa, and two dogs, Zilla and Chaca.
Matiash, Brian. "My Portfolio | Brian Matiash PhotoBlog." Brian Matiash PhotoBlog. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. .

Links -
Artist’s Website - ,
Reviews/Interview -

Images -

All Images © Brain Matiash

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