Thursday, November 11, 2010

Idea Blog XI - Artfic as Installation

Artfic as Installation

This week I had the idea that if I could make HDR time-lapses with subtle movements, it would enhance the  properties of “Artific” by making it even more surreal. “Films and movies for entertainment, send our minds into a fantasy zone whether it be that of tension and suspense, horror, action violence, sexual titillation, or comedy. It is a retreat, an escape, at times, an intellectual experience [1].” Films have a magical way of taking us to another world, an imaginary world painted in the eye of the director.  There would also be a score to the films.  "Music does many things for the human body including, masking unpleasant sounds and feelings, slowing down and equalizing brain waves, affecting respiration, affecting the heartbeat, pulse rate, and blood pressure, reducing muscle tension and improving body movement and coordination, affecting the body temperature, regulating stress-related hormones, boosting the immune function, changing our perception of space and time, strengthening our memory and learning, boosting productivity, enhancing romance and sexuality, stimulating digestion, fostering endurance, enhancing unconscious receptivity to symbolism, and generating a sense of safety and well-being[2].”   I think sound could be a really important part of my work. Music is definitely known to have an emotional impact on the listener.

[1]artwork, creating, learning a language, and mental balance.. "The Psychology and History of Movies | Horror Films | Psychological." Mental Health | Natural Psychology | Self Help | Child Psychology | Depression Help. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2010. <>.
[2]"Music's Affects on the Human Body." Music's Affects on the Human Body. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2010. <

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