Sunday, October 31, 2010

Artist Blog IX - Bryan Graf

Artist Blog IX - Bryan Graf

I am drawn to Bryan Graf’s work for a many reasons. His images often pertain to a landscape driven narrative. The series that I found to be most interesting in relationship to my work is “Wildlife Analysis.” The areas Bryan chooses to photograph “go largely unnoticed, especially by daily commuters who drive past them at high speeds.[1]” Similarly in my series I find that the objects I enjoy engaging with are things that people would otherwise overlook. The images in Bryan’s series have a real atmosphere and sense of mood to them. I think this is in part a factor of his treatment of the images. Bryan “photographs these spaces with black–and–white film, and later adds an additional layer of fogged color film when he prints the image in the darkroom. [1]” The color being added after the fact adds a mood that is controlled completely by the artist. One thing I really enjoy about the process of making High Dynamic Range images is the ability to get very different looks from the same image. Ultimately I try to let each scene dictate to me how it should look.

[1] Olu, Amani. "Bryan Graf: Wildlife Analysis | Whitewall daily." Whitewall Magazine - Contemporary Art and Lifestyle Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2010. .

Biography -

Bryan Graf was born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey in
1982. He received his Masters Degree in Photography
from Yale University in 2008 and his BFA from the
Art Institute of Boston in 2005. Bryan currently lives
and works in New Jersey.

Graf, Bryan . "Bryan Graf : About." Bryan Graf. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2010. .



All Images © Bryan Graf

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