Thursday, September 2, 2010

Idea Entry #1


Decay may be a hard term to come to grasp with everything has a life spend everything has a prime.  To me understanding what has been and what will be is very important to an understand of life.  "Jay explains in Dice:Deception, Fate & Rotten Luck (Quantuck Lane Press, 2003), “To record the death of my dice I called Rosamond Purcell, doyenne of decaying objects, photographer of taxidermological specimens, memorist of Wunderkammern. Her studio in Cambridge is bedizened with objets trouvés (found objects) in various stages of decomposition: Rescued sheets of discarded metal and weather-beaten books that are transformed – by design, by vision, by respect – into objects of great beauty."[1]  I think this statement reflects what I am trying to convey which is despite this process of decay or aging there is still beauty to be found.  "The photographs  expose urban decay and remain amidst a long gone charm amidst hopeless people and empty lots, markers of the economy downturn."[2]   Lukatz comments on the documentary nature of which photography can stand for.  Documentation is one of the many themes that I find constantly running through my work.   But i'm also trying to paint a picture of beauty in the objects which I work with much like Lukatz.  Lukatz said that he would shot these landscapes of decay objects "against the shinny skyline."  I don't hope to convince everyone that these objects are beautiful but rather that they should not be forgotten because the have served a purpose.

 [1] Bloomfield, Amanda. "Eloquent Eggs & Disintegrating Dice: Photographs by Rosamond Purcell ." Silver Eye Center for Photography, n.d. Web. 2 Sep 2010. <>.

[2] "The Photographs  Lukatz, Oren. "Oren Lukatz Photography." Oren Lukatz Photography. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Sept. 2010. <π=7&s=0&p=-1&a=0&at=0>. 

The following image by Jonas Tegnerud was selected due to fact that I feel it conveys a mood and expression of beatuy despite the fact that the room is in state of needing serious repair.
Jonas Tegnerud "old memories." Web. 2 Sep 2010. <>.     

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