Sunday, September 12, 2010

Artist Entry 2: Anne Loss

Anne Lass

 Upon viewing Anne Lass's work I picked up on the interesting nature of many of the images.  Many of the images used an interesting juxtaposition of new and old objects.   In an interview with NYMPHOTO Anne said “At the moment I feel drawn to situations which seem staged, yet it is not a dogma that my photographs have to be "real"" [1]. This idea is apparent in her work.  In my studio project I permit myself to ‘stage’ the objects but only to a tiny a degree.   I am very reluctant to move anything more than a few feet to get a better composition.  One of my favorite series of images by Ann Lass is the “Geography of Nowhere.”  She said that title was driven by the fact that the images have an “absence of any reference of place and the randomness of shown locations.”[2]   The idea that these photos could have been taken anywhere is something I would like to incorporate into my series.  Lauren and I discussed whether or not location is important to me.  My response was absolutely not.  I  would love to get some shots away from the city but this could be a little difficult.    I can’t recall having seen much furniture  dumped in my home town.


I grew up in northern Germany being part of the Danish minority. Our family has always enjoyed to travel and discovering all these unknown places as a child has had a great impact on me. After high school I moved to London, then to Copenhagen where I attended different art schools. Hereafter I began my Diploma Studies in Essen, Germany, where I studied Documentary Photography with Jörg Sasse. I was lucky to be in a group with quite a few very talented photographers - we still have good exchange and collaborate in different projects. Right now I am based in Berlin, am the proud mother of a one year old boy and enjoy to live in this diverse city.[1]

[1]"Nymphoto: A Conversation with Anne Lass." Nymphoto. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2010. <>.

[2]Loss, Anne. "About the projects - Anne Lass." Anne Lass. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2010. <>.

© Anne Lass

© Anne Lass
© Anne Lass

© Anne Lass


artist website:

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