Monday, September 27, 2010

Artist Entry IV - Olaf Otto Becker

In an interview Otto said, ‘ I find something new nearly every day. But now I have the feeling I can go my own way, and I have fun watching others not far away going in the same direction [1].” This is a very interesting thought to me.   In my series I am searching for something different to shoot than what I imagine is ideal .  However,  I’m not so ignorant as to think that  noone else could be doing similar work .  In fact, I recently met a lady that was photographing the same subject matter as me.  Although she was only shooting with a point and shoot  she was making similar pictures. Otto Becker allows us to experience his photography  by giving us it’s precise location with a GPS (Global Positioning System) tracking device [2].  I have been thinking about the locations where I find the objects that I am photographing and I wonder if by mapping the locations and presenting  them with the body of work,  it could possibly drive more people to engage with the subject matter.    Maybe people would even go exploring the areas where the photographs are shot.  It may help push me to drive further out of the city and search harder.  Another interesting part of Otto’s photography is that he  photographs with an 8 x 10 camera, which makes him have to slow down and really engage with the subject.  I originally had wanted to shoot my series on 4 x 5 but I felt that  with the time constraints that it would be to hectic.

[1] Colberg, Jörg . "Conscientious Extended | A Conversation with Olaf Otto Becker." Jörg M Colberg. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2010. <>

[2] Badger, Gerry. "Gerry Badger The Greenland Photographs of Olaf Otto Becker." OLAF OTTO BECKER PHOTOGRAPHY. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2010. <>.

Artist’s Website -
Interview with the Olaf Otto Becker -
Gallery -

All Images Copyrighted Olaf Otto Becker

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