Thursday, April 7, 2011

Michael Bodiam

What strikes me the most about Michael Bodiam’s work is his attention to color.  The color in the images seems to be limited to a very small palette and often he utilizes the color red to draw attention in the images.  He also seems to shoot primarily at night to focus on artificial lights and  their relationship to the structures surrounding them.  This relationship of man-made light and structures reminds me a lot of my own series of work.  I want to focus on the relationship of the artificial in the natural world. Also, Bodiam’s light seems to be completely natural.  There is also a  huge sense of human presence, despite that fact that there are no people in his images.  I have talked a lot about wanting there be a presence in my own imagery. I am highly intrigued by Bodiam’s body of work.

Biography -

Michael Bodiam is a graduate in BA (hons) Fine Art Photography from the Arts Institute at Bournemouth. He works on both commissioned and self-commissioned photographic projects. Michael’s personal work has featured in publications such as Dazed & Confused, Marmalade and DayFour. He has exhibited with The Photodebut Group, at The Royal Academy (London), The Royal West of England Academy, HOST Gallery, The AMV Building and the Brick House at The Truman Brewery. In 2009 he achieved two merit awards & one distinction (2nd place overall) for the Fuji-Film Distinctions Awards as well as being long-listed for the last 60 of Hyères 2009. In 2004 he was a finalist in the Next Level Audi Vorsprung durch Technik Photography Competition.

"Hey, Hot Shot! : Michael Bodiam." Jen Bekman Projects: 20x200 | JBG | HHS!. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Apr. 2011. <>.

Links -
Artist Website -

Images - 

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