Tuesday, February 22, 2011

On the Road.

I've been traveling US40 the last few days on my way to Arizona.  Unfortunately the schedule hasn't allowed for many detours but I still have managed to get a few good pictures.

Arkansas -
New Mexico -

Having arrived in Arizona I was surrounded by palm trees, Joshua trees, and sunlight but where was the heat?! It was fairly cold the whole drive out west.  I was honestly not prepared for it to be so cold.  Walking around I came across some interesting scenes.

Mainly the one that stuck out really strongly as being odd was this strange box by the side of the road with a balloon attached to it.  I wasn't sure if it was someone’s gift of anthrax to me or what, I didn't open the box but it seemed really light when I kicked it to change it's  position. I really enjoyed the relationship  of the balloon’s color to the color of the sky and it's overall displacement from the typical location you would see such an object.

Another thing that I have started thinking about is really making the frame of the image count.  I've been messing around with trying to be more minimalistic.

I think by trying to shoot differently it helps me think about what works or doesn't work for my project.  Technique should benefit the image not be the image.   I think that a lot of people’s work that I have been looking at recently has a very soft palette of colors.  I also wonder a lot if they are shooting film to get  their look.   I constantly find myself shooting in a method that I think benefits what I am looking at.  The following two pictures where taken on the last night of my trip in Phoenix Arizona.

I think both images are equally interesting in  their own way. What do you think? Overall I think the trip has really helped me to relax and think more about what I am doing and why I am doing.

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