Monday, February 7, 2011

Alex Fischer

Alex Fischer series of digital collages really stand out to me.  They show such a strange abstraction of the human form.   As I look at the mixing of elements of nature with the human form and other abstract forms, I begin to wonder if this work is about our identity or the lack thereof and our ability to relate to the world.  Many of the images strike me as dreamy.  I like the fact that the images to really allude to one medium but rather seem to incorporate elements of both photography and painting.

Biography -

Born in Walkerton, Ontario, Canada Alex Fischer is currently pursuing his MVS at the University of Toronto. Having recently completed his BFA at York University, Alex’s work has continued to developed around the relationship between contemporary art and the context of production within a university visual arts program. He has exhibited frequently in group and solo exhibitions, and has transitioned into working diligently for his upcoming solo exhibition with O’Born Contemporary.

Artist project’s include a feature in BlackFlash Magazine and an upcoming book with Wassenaar publications. He was the 2008/2009 recipient of the Willowdale Group of Artists Painting Award and was featured in Art Mur’s fourth edition of Peinture fraiche / Fresh Paint.

Source: O’Born Contemporary

Images - 

All Images © Alex Fischer

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