Sunday, January 23, 2011

Artist Blog - Phil Toledano

Mr. Toledano said about his Arctic Circle series, “I’ve always been interested in absence, whether it be emotional or physical. When I take photographs, I find myself editing the physical world. It occurred to me that it might be interesting to go where the landscape had been edited by nature, rather than man.” To me many images in this one series show a presence without anyone actually being there. There is a feeling of isolation in the pictures and they are a little bit dream-like in nature. What I really care about in my imagery is the influence that we have over our surroundings. From the beat up worn down furniture to the deepest man made lake or sculpted landscape, we are constantly changing, shaping, building, and creating our surroundings. Like Mr. Toledano, “I’ve always wanted to do stuff that speaks to people, that addresses issues, that talks about the world we live in, that makes people feel things [1].” I want people to think about how we impact the world and what it means to do so.

[1] Blaustein , Jonathan . "A Photo Editor - Phil Toledano Interview." A Photo Editor - Former Photography Director Rob Haggart. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2011. .

[2] Toledano , Phil . "Mr Toledano : Arctic Circle." Mr Toledano : home. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan.2011. .

Artist Website:
Interview with Phil Toledano:

 © All Images Copyright Phil Toledano

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