Alexandre Singh was by far the best lecture that I have ever attended at VCU. The fact that he actually gave a performance to start the lecture not only struct me as being unique, but an intellectually engaging and useful way to spend my time. In his presentation he spoke about the thought process that is associated with a dream state or intoxicated state of the mind. I would describe his work as intellectual, story-telling, and performance art. At first I was having a lot of trouble following because I was frantically trying to take notes about the lecture. When I stopped taking notes and just sat back and tried to take in the whole presentation I found it was a-lot more enjoyable. The interesting thing about his performance was how there would be stories inside stories inside stories. Many times through the lecture he would reference pop culture. At one point he referenced the movie "Inception" in relation to the planting of ideas within dreams and how the mind works. He talked about many types of mental associations, including linear, cross-linear and tangential. I really had a sparked interest in learning about the mental process in relation to dreams after his presentation. Besides his lecture presentation, he has a very interesting body of work. The project which probably had the most relation to mine was the “School of Objects Criticized.” In this project he had selected many objects to display in a gallery setting. All were named and personified via a voice over and spotlighting. Watching a movie of people engaging with the objects who were talking about the 20th century art was certainly interesting. One thing that was mentioned on the web as well during his speech was his interest in making a full length film. He didn’t really stress that he was getting closer to actually doing it, but that is his goal and by doing each project he learns something and gets closer. He said the audiences role in relationship to his lecture isn’t really important; however, he hopes that he is educating people about how the brain operates. He did say that he makes art for himself first and everyone else second. This is really how it should be. if you are not happy with the work but everyone likes it, then I personally feel you are failing as an artist. Your art should reflect something about you.
Questions -
Do you think your progressing near making a full length film?
What do you think the audiences roll is in relation to your work?
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