Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Idea Entry #2 - Nostalgia


In the article “The Man Who Invented Nostalgia,” we are introduced to works of Wallace Nutting.   Wallace “embarked on a series of photographs depicting interior scenes of an idealized Colonial existence.”  “These quaint images, suggesting a time when home, family, and simple pleasures were at the center of American life, were highly sentimental and likely far from reality [2].”  It seems to me that people have a desire to hold on to the past and glorify it.   The article showed that Wallace had an interest in glorifying these classical scenes.    In my series of images it was my plan to draw attention to objects that people would most likely not pay attention to.  The objects have served a purpose and it’s interesting to see the difference from one object to the next; they are all in different stages of disrepair.

In reference to the book Found Polaroids Schwarbsky states “But for its author, Jason Bitner, the medium had always been “instant nostalgia—framed and faded, a picture that already looked decades old.””  This is a comment on the uniqueness of the Polariod and alludes to what the meaning of Nostalgia may be.  If you have ever seen a Polaroid in person you can attest to the fact that the color is rather flat and washed out, and the image isn’t razor sharp like some of the lenses today.  As I continue to think about my project I have to wonder if shooting with something that would give me a softer, aged look would aid me in achieving my goal or just be distracting.

[1] SCHWABSKY, BARRY. "How Soon Was Now?." Nation 290.2 (2010): 35-36. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 8 Sept. 2010.

[2] Riedel, Catherine. "The Man Who Invented Nostalgia." Yankee 74.4 (2010): 60-62. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 8 Sept. 2010.

Jason Powell's into the past series comments on the Nostalgia by building a relationship between old scenes by placing them in the frame with the modern scene.
Powell, Jason. "Looking Into the Past: Market Street, Leesburg, VA | Flickr - Photo Sharing!." Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Sept. 2010. <>.

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